4 ways to expand your network as a remote accountant
Wednesday 19th January 2022

As physical events reopen their doors, it’s an exciting time for the finance world – especially for individuals who can’t wait to meet up with fellow industry peers.
Conferences, breakfast sessions, and accountancy summits are all beginning to be marked down in the diaries as people rediscover some form of ‘normality’ throughout 2021 and beyond. However, there has been no question the past 18 months have challenged us all to be clever with how we network – and the good thing is, it doesn’t always have to happen in-person.
If you’re wanting to get yourself out there but are struggling to attend physical events for any reason, here are some ideas how you can still make yourself known – and you won’t even have to pay for a train ticket or fill up your car.
4 ways to expand your network:
- Don't just rely on social media
- Attend online events
- Create engaging content
- Build your own finance community
1. Dont just rely on social media
We’d always advocate that you keep your online presence alive so that your audience knows you’re there for them. But don’t limit your social media experience to status updates alone, utilise its array of benefits.
For example, LinkedIn has various financially-friendly forums to share news, discuss industry topics and network from the comfort of your own home. Click on the ‘search’ function and simply type in ‘finance’ to access a wealth of groups to follow and join.
2. Continue to attend online events
Physical gatherings will once again be rolled out at pace, but that doesn’t mean online sessions will disappear altogether. For example, FinTech Meetup has already set its 2022 dates live, and others are soon to follow suit. Register your interest in events that strike a chord with you and think further than finance-based sessions, for example business, leadership, and freelance meet-ups.
3. Create engaging content
You’re an expert, so why not put your thoughts down into a finance blog or a video? Uploading visual content directly to social media, for example, can inspire interaction with both customers and prospects and keep communication going regardless of where you’re based.
If you’re worried about what to write or talk about, think about your customer’s pain-points and work backwards. For example, are they frequently asking you about alleviating cash flow concerns or wanting to understand more about invoice finance? If so, offer advice in ways they can access.
4. Build your own finance community
Hear us out with this one because we know it might sound a little scary at first! However, the finance forums you’ve either joined or have been exploring have had to start somewhere.
So, as you begin to network with others and build your accountancy presence, why not begin a closed group on Facebook, WhatsApp, or LinkedIn and invite your connections to join and discuss all-things finance? However, make sure you monitor your community page to ensure people are adhering to the ‘rules’ and not abusing the openness of what a friendly forum is all about.