5 tips on how to deal with stress
Wednesday 19th January 2022

5 tips for dealing with stress:
- Exercise
- Take time away
- Meditate
- Talk to your family/friends
- Plan ahead
1. Exercise
Studies have repeatedly found that exercising for just 30 minutes a day results in a multitude of benefits to your health, one of which being reduced levels of stress due to the boost in endorphins. Try to schedule in a short workout every day, whether that is hitting the gym, trying out a new class or simply going for a walk in the fresh air.
Those days where you don’t feel like leaving the house, why not try a home workout?
2. Take time away
It’s easy to get consumed by the environment around you; work deadlines, family issues, money strains, or even the addiction to your phone (which we all deny). Most of the time we don’t realise how hectic our lives really are until we take a step back.
So go on holiday, meet up with some friends for a day out or simply binge watch the series everyone has been talking about, but you simply haven’t had time to watch. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to take a break.
3. Meditate
Many people are sceptical to trying meditation. A mere 5 minutes each morning can help put you into the right headspace for a busy day ahead, giving you the opportunity to simply… think about nothing. Try it out for a couple of weeks, set some time aside each day to meditate, even persuade your family and friends to join in.
Not sure how to meditate? Try downloading an app or using a guided meditation session, many of which are available on YouTube.
4. Talk to your family/friends
The majority of adults feel stressed at some point in their life. Research conducted by CIPHR in July 2021 has shown that 79% of adults feel stressed at least once a month, with 7% of adults feeling stressed every day.
Reaching out to the people closest to you can help you discover new coping mechanisms for stress. Sometimes simply realising you’re not the only one feeling stressed can offer some relief.
Feel like you can’t reach out to anyone? Try expanding your social circle; join a new club or start a new course. Form new friendships with people who you can lean on for support.
5. Plan ahead
A constant flow of emails, impromptu teams’ calls, a to-do list which only ever seems to grow… this never-ending cycle often leads us to feeling overwhelmed and as a consequence stressed.
One effective way to combat this problem is to plan ahead. Take 10 minutes out of your day, set your teams status to busy and plan your weeks tasks out in order of priority. By doing this you will develop a proactive coping strategy, helping you feel more in control and readily able to adjust should an urgent task come across your desk.